By 19 September 1919, when this article in the South London Press was published, the site for the proposed Stockwell War Memorial had been chosen (although a design had not). The Stockwell memorial was funded by private donations. £1,000 had been raised, and although there was more work to do, Stockwell was held up as an example of how to get things done.
Where Private Enterprise Outstrips Public Delay.
It would seem that in the matter of providing war memorials private endeavour is far ahead of more ambitious schemes. Further details regarding notable permanent tributes, parochial [meaning organised by the parish] and local, are appended.
£1,000. A band of voluntary workers is being organised and a meeting will shortly be held to discuss projects for furthering the scheme. All who are willing to help should communicate with Mr. Samuel Bowller, 282, Clapham-road (the hon. secretary), who wil be pleased to receive donations. Cheques and P.O.’s [postal orders] payable to the Stockwell Memorial Fund should be crossed Barclay’s Bank Ltd.
The memorial is to be placed on the triangle formed by Clapham-road and South Lambeth-road. Designs are being submitted, but the ultimate form will depend largely on the amount of money submitted.
Amount already acknowledged, £921 13s 4d
£10 10s. Sir Davison Dalziel, M.P.;
£5 5s. Mr. S. Sanders, M. R. Beagley
£1 1s. Mr. F. Corben [father of Victor Leslie Corben], Mr. M. A. Crane, Mr H. Crane, Mr. and Mrs. W.Miles;
10s. 6d. Mr. F. H. Webster;
10s. per Mr. Streeter;
5s. Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. Morris;
3s. per Mr. J. E. Brook;
2s. 6d. Mrs. Merriman, Miss Bond, Mr. E. W. Brooks.
Box collections: Dr. Caiger [father of Frederick Howard Stewart Caiger] , £1 2s 8d.;
Mr. Saler, 16s.;
Mr. Thompson, 14s. 6d.;
Mr. Dawkins, 14s;
Mr. Wheeler, 12s 2d.;
Mr. Beagley, 11s.;
Mr. Bowller, 10s. 6d.;
Mr. Stanley, 7s. 8d.;
Mr. Regan, 7s. 9d.;
Mr. G. Haines, 4s. 11d.;
Mr. Fuller, 1s. 8d.
Total, £955 5s. 9d.