This account was published in the South London Press shortly before the opening of the Stockwell War Memorial in May 1922.
28 April 1922
Arrangements for Unveilling and Dedication of Princess Alice (Countess of Athlone).
The Stockwell War Memorial, which has beeen erected at the junction of South Lambeth and Clapham Roads, will be unveiled next Wednesday by Princess Alice (Countess of Athlone), and dedicated by the Bishop of Kingston.
The memorial, which stands on a most conspicuous site, has led to the carrying out of a fine public improvement on the small island area. In addition to the cenotaph-shaped tower with clock, the ground at the rear has been laid out and will form a restful resort for the public. The local committee, of which Mr. Samuel Bowller, of 232, Clapham-rd, is hon. secretary, has applied itself to the task with commendable vigour, and the result is not only a useful public improvement, but a worthy memorial to the sons of Stockwell who fell in the Great War.
Next Wednesday’s ceremony will begin at three o’clock, but half-an-hour earlier the band of the “W” Division of police will play. The actual ceremony will be proceded by singing of suitable pieces by the Stockwell (Spurgeon’s) Orphanage Choir. Afterwards the buglers of the East Surrey Regiment will sound the “Last Post,” followed by the Reveille. The dedication ceremony is to be performed by the Bishop of Kingston, and an address will be given by the Mayor of Lambeth (Councillor W. S. Bishop). Towards the close of the ceremony, Mr. Samuel Bowller, the hon. secretary of the Memorial Committee, will formally offer the garden site and the monument to the Mayor of Lambeth, to hold for the people for ever.
The present Mayor of Lambeth (Councillor W. S. Bishop) and his three predecessors in office (Messrs. F. Budge, James Williams, and Sir Chas. G. Gibbs) have issued an appeal in which they claim that this memorial is such as will bear favourable comparison with any in South London; indeed, it would be difficult to find one so suitable in every respect and in such a commanding position. It undoubtedly reflects credit on the very energetic committee responsible for its erection. Up to date the major portion of its cost has been met, but there remains a balance of about £600 to be raised, and it is the desire of the committee that on the unveilling and dedication it should be possible to announce that the whole cost has been met and the structure free from debt. The committee therefore earnestly commend to Lambethans this appeal, and trust that the hope of the committee will be fulfilled. To this end, contributions will be thankfully received by the signatories address to the Town Hall, Brixton-hill, S.W.2, or to the hon. secretary, Mr. S. Bowller, 232, Clapham-rd.
© South London Press