F. A. Ansell
Service no. S/16820
Rifleman, Rifle Brigade (The Prince Consort’s Own), 1st Battalion
Born in Stockwell, lived in Balham
Killed in action on 21 August 1916, aged 24
Remembered at Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Belgium and St Andrew’s Church, Landor Road, London SW9
Information from the 1911 census
In 1911 the Ansell family was living at 39 Willington Road, Stockwell. Frederick William Ansell, 51, was a printer’s compositor, born in Westminster; Clara Ansell, 48, was also born in Westminster. Of her 7 children born alive, 6 survived. All were born in Stockwell.
Frederick Alfred Ansell, 19, was an apprentice compositor
Amy Ansell, 18, was a dressmaker
Sidney Edwin Ansell, 16, umbrella maker
Florence Victoria Ansell, 14
Arthur Charles Ansell, 10
Harold Irvin Ansell, 2
Information from the 1901 census
In 1901 the Ansell family lived at 30 Arlesford Road.