F. Joslin
Service no. L/30147
Gunner, Royal Field Artillery, “A” Bty. 38th Bde.
Enlisted at Camberwell; lived in Brixton
Killed in action age 24 on 11 May 1918
CWGC: “Son of Albert and Agnes Joslin (nee Sqirkell), of 3 Hargwyne Street, Brixton, London. Born at Brixton.”
Remembered at Cinq Rues British Cemetery, Hazebrouck, France
Information from the censuses
In 1911 Frederick Joslin, a 16-year-old shop assistant, was living with his family in 4 rooms at 51 Stockwell Green. Albert Joslin, 43 and from Rotherhithe, south-east London, was a general labourer in a granary (he was described as a granary foreman in the 1901 census); Agnes Joslin, 43, was from Needham, Suffolk. There were 5 children:
Albert Joslin, 20, a carter, born in Lambeth (pictured on the left)
George Joslin, 18, a shop assistant, born in Newington (middle)
Frederick Joslin, 16, a shop assistant, born in Lambeth (right)
May Joslin, 13, born in Lambeth
Florence Joslin, 11, born in Lambeth
In 1901 the Joslin family 19 Nealdon Street, Stockwell. 10 years previously, the family were living at 10 Burgoyne Road, Brixton and Albert Joslin was describing himself as a corn porter.