P. D. Anderson Service no L/7853 Private, 9th (Queen’s Royal) Lancers Died on 13 February 1919, aged 28 CWGC” “Son of Thomas and Christina Anderson, of 24 Viceroy Road, South Lambeth, London. Born at Glasgow.” Remembered at Lambeth Cemetery, Tooting, London SW17 and at Stockwell War Memorial, London SW9 Information from the 1911 census In […]
George Harry Allen
Killed in action at the Somme on 25 March 1918, aged 20
Frederick John Allen
F. J. AllenSecond Lieutenant, Devonshire Regiment, “C” Coy. 9th BattalionDied age 22 on 27 September 1915CWGC: “Son of Frederick Herbert and Alice Allen, of 79 Union Road, Clapham, London.”Remembered at Lapugnoy Military Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France, at St John’s Church, Clapham Road, London SW9 Information from the Royal Bank of Scotland archives: Frederick John […]
Walter Alexander
W. AlexanderRoyal Navy, Stoker 1st Class, HMS ‘Fandango’Service no. 311118Died on 3 July 1919, aged 28Remembered at Chatham Naval Memorial, Kent Chris Burge writes: Walter Alexander was born on 5 December 1888 in Camberwellin southeast London. In the 1891 census he is recorded as one of four siblings living at Faraday Street, Walworth: Maud, aged […]
Henry Eustace Adams
38-year-old engineer and architect, who died in 1916 after the Battle of the Somme