W. H. WilsonService no.66127Bombardier, Royal Field Artillery, “A” Bty. 109th Bde.Died 28 August 1916, aged 24Remembered at Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L’Abbe, FranceHusband of A. F. Wilson, of 17, Chantrey Rd., Brixton, London. This identification was made by Chris Burge, who writes: William Henry Wilson has born on 25 June 1892, one of the five children […]
John Wilkin
J. WilkinService no. 17677Private, Royal Fusiliers, 12th BattalionBorn in Lambeth; enlisted in SouthwarkKilled in action on 16 August 1916, aged 24Remembered at Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France National Roll of the Great War 1914-1918 WILKIN, J., Private, Royal Fusiliers.He volunteered in June 1915, and in September of that year proceeding to the Western Front, was in […]
Horace John Baker Whittingham
H. J. WhittinghamService no. 76274Corporal, Tank Corps, 1st Battalion; formerly 3294, Royal FusiliersDied of wounds on 28 April 1918, aged 24CWGC: “Son of John Baker Whittingham and Alice Louisa Whittingham, of 28 Angell Road, Brixton, London.”Remembered at Marissel French National Cemetery (near Beauvais), Oise, France Brother of Claude Lionel Whittingham
Clarence George Wheeler
C. G. WheelerService no. L/21895Driver, Royal Field Artillery, “A” Bty. 162nd Bde.Died of wounds on 4 April 1917, aged 24CWGC: “Son of George Henry and Fannie Wheeler, of 35 Holland Street, Brixton, London.”Remembered at Faubourg d’Amiens Cemetery, Arras, France Information from the censuses In 1911 Clarence George Wheeler, 18, was a grocer’s assistant. He lived […]
George Steven Strange
G. S. StrangeService no. 39606Private, Royal Fusiliers, 2nd BattalionBorn in Stockwell; enlisted in LambethKilled in action on 11 May 1917Remembered at Wancourt British Cemetery, France George Steven (sometimes Stephen) Strange was born in 1893 in Stockwell and enlisted at Lambeth. In 1911 he lived at 33 Cobbett Street, off Dorset Road, with his stepfather William […]
Charles James Stanley
C. J. StanleyService no. 2862Driver, Royal Field Artillery, 2nd/47th Div. Ammunition Col.Died on 14 September 1916, aged about 24Remembered at Dantzig Alley British Cemetery, Mametz, Somme, France In 1911 Charles James Stanley, a carter for a confessioner, lived in four rooms at 23 Clarence Street, Studley Road, Stockwell with his widowed mother, Henrietta (née Coleman), […]
John Alfred Stammers
J. A. StammersService no. 41606Driver, Royal Field Artillery, “B” Bty. 155th Bde.Enlisted in Deptford, south-east London; lived in BrixtonKilled in action on 4 November 1918, aged about 23Remembered at Vis-en-Artois Memorial, France and on the war shrine at St Michael’s Church, Stockwell Park Road, London SW9 0DA British Army WWI Service Records 1914-1920 Few details […]
Isaac Spooner
I. SpoonerService no. 25552Private, Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding Regiment), 9th Battalion, formerly 015439 R.A.S.C.Born in Lambeth; enlisted in Battersea; lived in WandsworthKilled in action on 1 September 1918, aged 24CWGC: “Son of James and Matilda Spooner.”Remembered at Vis-en-Artois Memorial, France In 1911 ironmonger’s assistant Isaac Spooner, 17, lived at 39 Brooklands Road, Stockwell, where […]
Joseph Charles Smale
J. C. Smale Service no. G/2820 Private, Queen’s Own (Royal West Kent Regiment), “C” Coy., 8th Batallion Died of wounds age 24 on 22 January 1916 CWGC: “Son of Martha Tucker (formerly Smale), and the late William James Smale, of 3 Kenchester Street, South Lambeth, London.” Remembered at Boulogne Eastern Cemetery, France Brother of William […]
Percy Hendrick Sloots
P. H. Sloots Service no. 25582 Lance Corporal, East Surrey Regiment, 12th Battalion Died age 24 on 31 October 1918 Husband of Lilian E. E. Sloots (nee Mann – they married in March 1918) of 31 Gateley Road, Stockwell, London. Remembered at Kezelberg Military Cemetery, Belgium Information from the censuses In 1911 Percy Hendrick Sloots […]