W.C. RayPrivate, East Surrey Regiment, 8th Bn. Service no. 39290. Killed in action on 23 October 1918, aged 23. Remembered at Forest Communal Cemetery, Nord, France In 1911 William Charles Ray lived with his parents, William, a 37-year-old carman, and 32-year-old Louisa Esther (née Rainbow), and four siblings at 10 Broomgrove Road, Stockwell Green, where […]
George Frederick Warwick
George Frederick WarwickCorporal, Service No. 30468, formerly 77895 (Royal Engineers)Killed in action on 5 October 1917, aged 231st Bn., Royal Warwickshire RegimentRemembered at Tyne Cot Memorial, Zonnebeke, Belgium A substantial number of men from the Stockwell area were not listed on the Memorial. The Stockwell War Memorial committee invited families to submit names. Some may […]
Stanley Frank Willis
S. F. Willis Service no. 415208 Rifleman, London Regiment (Queen Victoria’s Rifles), 1st/9th Battalion; formerly 7927, 7th London Regiment Born in Clapham; enlisted in Camberwell; lived in Stockwell Died on 13 August 1917 Remembered at Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Ypres, Belgium
William John Williams
W. J. WilliamsService no. R/19181Rifleman, King’s Royal Rifle Corps, “D” Coy. 11th Bn.Born in Vauxhall; enlisted in Piccadilly, central London; lived in LambethDied on 8 August 1917, aged 30CWGC: “Son of James and Henrietta Williams, of 36 Kenchester Street, South Lambeth, London.”Remembered at Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Ypres, Belgium
Reuben Edward Wild
R. E. WildService no. R/6573Rifleman, King’s Royal Rifle Corps, “C” Coy. 9th BattalionDied of wounds on 25 September 1915, aged 20CWGC: “Son of Herbert John and Annie Wild, of 24 Halstead Street, Brixton, London.”Remembered at Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Ypres, Belgium and on the war shrine at St Michael’s Church, Stockwell Park Road, London SW9 […]
Claude Lionel Whittingham
C. L. WhittinghamService no. 269729Private, Hertfordshire Regiment; formerly 3122, Essex RegimentBorn in Southwark; enlisted in Camberwell; lived in BrixtonKilled in action on 31 July 1917, aged 19CWGC: “Son of John B. and Alice Louisa Whittingham, of 28 Angell Road, Stockwell, London. Also served at Gallipoli.”Remembered at Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Ypres, Belgium Brother of Horace […]
Ernest Frank Whiting
E. F. WhitingService no. 25607Private, East Surrey Regiment, 8th BattalionBorn in Dover, Kent; enlisted in Dorking, Surrey; lived in ClaphamDied of wounds on 14 October 1917, aged 26CWGC: “Son of Edward Whiting, of 28 Durand Gardens, Clapham Road, London.”Remembered at Dozinghem Military Cemetery, Belgium and on the war shrine at St Michael’s Church, Stockwell Park […]
Henry Ingham White
H. I. WhiteService no. 550898Rifleman, London Regiment, 12th Bn (Queen’s Westminster Rifles)Died 15 August 1917, aged about 30Remembered Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, BelguimSon of William George and Emma White, of 11, Stirling Rd., Stockwell, London. This identification was made by Chris Burge, who writes: Henry Ingham White was born in 1887, the youngest of William George […]
Thomas Frederick Wellington
T. F. WellingtonService no. 70152Driver, Royal Engineers, L.Z. Cable SectionBorn in Southwark; enlisted in Houghton Regis, Bedfordshire; lived in LambethKilled in action on 2 July 1915, aged 26CWGC: “Son of Mrs Rose Cockman, of 22 Horace Street, South Lambeth, London.”Remembered at Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Ypres, Belgium British Army WWI Service Records 1914-1920 On 10 […]
Alfred George Wellings
A. G. WellingsService no. 10167Private, Coldstream Guards, 3rd BattalionBorn in Lambeth; enlisted in London; lived in WandsworthKilled in action on 2 August 1917, aged about 23Remembered at Artillery Wood Cemetery, Belgium Brother of Thomas Henry Wellings The 1901 census shows seven-year-old Alfred George Wellings as one of three children of Alfred Wellings, a 32-year-old horse […]