E. A. PyleService no. G/81351Private, Royal Fusiliers, 23rd Battalion; formerly 5505, Middlesex RegimentKilled in action on 19 March 1918, aged 31Born in Tottenham; enlisted in Lambeth; lived in BrixtonCWGC: “Husband of Ellen Pyle, of 11a Morat Street, Stockwell, London.”Remembered at Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France and on the war shrine at St Michael’s Church, Stockwell Park […]
William Charles Purslow
W. C. PurslowService no. S/12717Corporal, Rifle Brigade, “B” Coy. 3rd BattalionBorn in Plymouth; enlisted in London; lived in StockwellDied of wounds on 29 May 1916, aged 26CWGC: “Husband of Eleanor Annie Hillyer (formerly Purslow), of The Drill Hall, Richmond, Surrey.”Remembered at Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension, Nord, France and on the war shrine at St Michael’s […]
Albert Edward Purslow
A. E. PurslowService no. 170Corporal, The Queen’s (Royal West Surrey Regiment), 7th BattalionBorn at Stonehouse, Devon; enlisted at Kingston Upon Thames; lived in BrightonDied on 18 November 1916, aged 21Remembered at Stump Road Cemetery, Grandcourt, France and on the war shrine at St Michael’s Church, Stockwell Park Road, London SW9 0DA Brother of William Charles […]
Frederick Thomas George Pulsford
Died aged 17 on 21 April 1915 while helping a wounded comrade
Thomas Protheroe
T. ProtheroeService no. 39017Private, East Lancashire Regiment, 2nd/5th Battalion, formerly 233832, Royal Field ArtilleryBorn in Lambeth; enlisted in Lambeth; lived in StockwellDied on 26 March 1918, aged 38CWGC: “Husband of F. M. Protheroe, of 108, Grantham Rd., Clapham Road, London.”Remembered at Etaples Military Cemetery, France and St Andrew’s Church, Landor Road, London SW9 In 1911, […]
Henry John Preston
H. J. PrestonService no. 2462Lance Corporal, London Regiment, 1st/24th BattalionKilled in action on 26 May 1915, aged 24CWGC: “Son of William and Ellen Preston, of 33, Stockwell Rd., Clapham, London.”Remembered at Le Touret Memorial, France Information from the 1911 census Henry John Preston was the son of William and Ellen Preston. The 1911 census lists […]
James Sidney Prescott
S. J. PrescottService no. 8638Serjeant, Royal Scots Fusiliers, 1st BattalionEnlisted at BrixtonDied on 28 March 1918, aged about 31CWGC: “Son of the late William George and Mary Jane Prescott.”Remembered at Arras Memorial, France Information from the censuses In 1911 James S. Prescott, aged 24, was serving with the 2nd Battalion (mounted infantry) of the Royal […]
Charles Edward R. Powell
C. E. R. Powell Service no. 6966/233236 Private, London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers), “C” Coy. 2nd Battalion Killed in action on 18 March 1917, aged 23 Born in St Helena; enlisted at Westminster; lived at Lambeth CWGC: “Son of Mr C. E. and Mrs A. M. Powell, of 8, Walberswick St., London, SW8.” Remembered at Beaurains […]
Ernest Alexander Potts
E. A. Potts Second Lieutenant, Royal Fusiliers, 24th Bn. attd. 10th Bn. Died of wounds on 15 October 1918, aged 26 Military Cross CWGC: “Son of Edward and Emma Potts, of 9, Mordaunt St., Brixton, London.” Remembered at St. Sever Cemetery Extension, Rouen Ernest Alexander Potts, the son of a police constable and a former […]
Arthur George Potter
A. G. Potter Service no. 12028 Private, Coldstream Guards, 3rd Battalion Enlisted at Clifton Street; lived in Clapham Died on 13 April 1918, aged 39 CWGC: “Son of Mr and Mrs J. B. Potter, of 6 Alexandra Mansion, Stonhouse Street, Clapham; husband of Louisa Potter, of Larkhall Lane, Clapham, London.” Remembered at Ploegsteert Memorial, Belgium […]