F. WorthyService no. 4785Rifleman, London Regiment (First Surrey Rifles), “D” Coy. 1st/21st BattalionEnlisted in Lambeth; lived in BrixtonKilled in action on 15 September 1916, aged 19CWGC: “Son of Alfred James and Matilda Clara Worthy, of 12 Normandy Road, Brixton, London.”Remembered at Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France In 1911 Frank Worthy was a 14-year-old schoolboy. He lived […]
Thomas Isaac Worley
T.I. WorleyService no. 613802Private, London Regiment, 1st/19th BattalionBorn in Camberwell; enlisted in Lambeth; lived in StockwellDied of wounds on 8 December 1917, aged 34CWGC: “Son of Isaac Brames Worley and Margaret Worley, of 47, Lansdowne Gardens. Stockwell, London.”Remembered at Etaples Military Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France Information from the 1911 census Thomas Isaac Worley, 27 […]
Arthur Worby
A. WorbyService no. G/61093Private, The Queen’s (Royal West Surrey Regiment)Died on 16 November 1918, aged 20CWGC: “Son of John and Mary Ann Worby, of 76 Crimsworth Road, Wandsworth, London.”Remembered at Lambeth Cemetery, Tooting, London SW17 Brother-in-law to Thomas James Woodley Information from the 1911 census Arthur Worby, 12 in 1911, lived at 76 Crimsworth Road, […]
Thomas James Woodley
T. J. WoodleyService no. 203597Private, Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry, 1st/4th Battalion; formerly 2725, Royal Buckinghamshire HussarsBorn in Deptford; enlisted in London; lived in ClaphamKilled in action on 15 June 1918, aged 29CWGC: “Husband of Mrs E. Woodley, of 14 Glenelg Road, Acre Lane, Brixton, London.”Remembered at Boscon British Cemetery, Italy and St Andrew’s Church, […]
Henry James Robert Woodcock
H. J. R. WoodcockService no. 6951Private, London Regiment (London Scottish), 1st/14th BattalionKilled in action on 9 September 1916, aged 21CWGC: “Son of Mrs Eliza Woodcock, of 15 Meadow Place, South Lambeth Road, London.”Remembered at Serre Road Cemetery No 2, France British Army WWI Service Records 1914-1920 The Service history file for Henry James Robert Woodcock […]
William George Edwin Woodard
W. G. E. WoodardService no. M2/079669Lance Corporal, Army Service Corps, 364th Mechanical Transport Coy.Died of wounds on 12 August 1918, aged 55CWGC: “Son of William and Frances Woodard; husband of H. S. Woodard, of 65 Pulross Rd., Brixton, London.”Remembered at Les Baraques Military Cemetery, Sangatte, France Information from the censuses William George Edwin Woodard, 47 […]
Sidney Charles Withey
S. C. WitheyService no. 490673Serjeant, London Regiment, 2nd/13th Kensington BattalionEnlisted in Kensington; lived in BrixtonKilled in action on 8 December 1917, aged about 22Remembered at Jerusalem War Cemetery, Israel and St Andrew’s Church, Landor Road, London SW9 Information from the censuses Insurance clerk Sidney Charles Withey lived at 14 Dalyell Road, Brixton with his parents […]
William Henry Wilson
W. H. WilsonService no.66127Bombardier, Royal Field Artillery, “A” Bty. 109th Bde.Died 28 August 1916, aged 24Remembered at Heilly Station Cemetery, Mericourt-L’Abbe, FranceHusband of A. F. Wilson, of 17, Chantrey Rd., Brixton, London. This identification was made by Chris Burge, who writes: William Henry Wilson has born on 25 June 1892, one of the five children […]
Edward Ernest Winter
E. E. WinterService no. R/14491Lance Corporal, King’s Royal Rifle Corps, 8th BattalionBorn in Lambeth; enlisted in London; lived in ClaphamDied of wounds on 24 August 1916, aged 34Remembered at Thiepval Memorial, Somme, France National Roll of the Great War 1914-1918 WINTER, E.E., L/Cpl., King’s Royal Rifle Corps.Having volunteered in August 1914, he was drafted to […]
Bertram Horace Winter
B. H. WinterService no. S/15614Rifleman, Rifle Brigade, 13th BattalionEnlisted in Lambeth; lived in ClaphamKilled in action on 11 April 1917, aged 27CWGC: “Son of Mrs A. Winter, of 19 Prideaux Road, Landor Road, Stockwell, London.”Remembered at Arras Memorial, France British Army Service Records 1914-1920 Milkman (and former butcher) Bertram Horace Winter signed up at the […]