On 7 January 1921 the South London Press reported on the recent fund-raising fancy dress party, and on the offer to provide a clock by Sidney Sanders of James Walker & Co. There are traces of Sanders in the faded shop fascia under Brixton railway arch. The clock was eventually donated by Dr. Foord Caiger, […]
1920: Fund-raising efforts continue
The committee appeals for funds to complete the project. To help the money-raising efforts, the committee suggests that benefactors donate for particular parts of the structure or donate items themselves. This article appeared in the South London Press on 12 November 1920. SOUTH LONDON PRESS 12 November 1920 STOCKWELL WAR MEMORIAL. Building of Clock Tower […]
1920: Fete and gymkhana held at the Stockwell Road tennis ground
In mid 1920, despite appeals and the presence of Princess Beatrice at a bazaar in aid of the Erection Fund, the Memorial Committee had still not raised enough money to build the memorial. They widened their efforts to include a fete and gymkhana at the Stockwell Road tennis grounds. South London Press 25 June 1920 […]
1920: More money required
The fund-raising committee was still short of funds for the construction of the memorial. By this stage the designs had been exhibited at the Palladium Cinema at 221 Clapham Road (the building is now a bar) and the finalist chosen by members of the Royal Academy. However, shortage of money was jeopardising the plans. This […]
1920: Royalty visits Lambeth
In April 1920 the Stockwell War Memorial Fund Committee received a boost when Princess Beatrice, a granddaughter of Queen Victoria, attended a bazaar held in Clapham Public Hall in the High Street. By this stage the design had been approved. SOUTH LONDON PRESS 30 April 1920 STOCKWELL WAR MEMORIAL. Princess Beatrice Opens Bazaar in Aid […]
1920: The Committee reports on progress
The South London Press published this story on 6 February 1920. The legal issues surrounding the handover of the site to Lambeth Borough Council had been resolved and it would shortly be handed over. STOCKWELL WAR MEMORIAL Site Shortly to be Handed Over to Borough Council A general committee of the Stockwell War Memorial held […]
1919: Fund-raising evenings of music and film
The fund for the Stockwell Memorial appears to have stalled at around £1000. The Committee had already organised “working parties” to raise money in their neighbourhoods, but clearly needed to up the game. An evening of entertainment was held at the Stockwell Palladium Cinema on Tuesday 11 November 1919. FOR THE STOCKWELL FUND. Successful Performances […]
1919: “Private enterprise outstrips public delay”
By 19 September 1919, when this article in the South London Press was published, the site for the proposed Stockwell War Memorial had been chosen (although a design had not). The Stockwell memorial was funded by private donations. £1,000 had been raised, and although there was more work to do, Stockwell was held up as […]
1919: “An excellent site has been chosen”
On 29 August 1919 the South London Press updated the readership on progress on the Stockwell War Memorial, which was independently commissioned. At this stage, the site – the “Triangle” at the junction of South Lambeth Road and Clapham Road, on the last vestige of the old Stockwell Common – has been chosen. Lambeth Borough […]
1919: Choosing a design
South London Press, 5 August 1919 STOCKWELL WAR MEMORIAL. Design Not Yet Decided Upon. THE PRESENT POSITION. Though no definite form for the proposed memorial at Stockwell to men who have fallen in, or returned from the war has yet been accepted by the committee, a design has been submitted by Mr Norman Tyrrell, a […]